[Cancelled] JESSIE J & FLO RIDA 2017 Shenzhen concert

Wendy Ho   |   August 31, 2021

Due to organizer’s announcement, the concert has been cancelled: https://m.weibo.cn/status/4179099344288220?sourceType=weixin&from=107B195010&wm=9021_0002&featurecode=newtitle

More details in refunding tickets, please contact Red Dragon:

It is worth mentioning that the organizer red dragon cultural media entertainment (Shenzhen) co., LTD has 15 years live shows, live concerts, event planning management experience, sound engineers, stage lighting designers, senior international agent, devoted to the introducing international to China artists and producing world-class music concerts. According to the staff of Red Dragon , “this year, there is a hip-hop fever in China, the” JESSIE J & FLO RIDA 2017 Shenzhen concert “which has been prepared for a long time, is aiming at offering everybodyFlo Rida authentic American hip-hop, as well as international star JESSIE J’s elegant demeanour, we believe the concert will be unforgettable .”

Jessie J , the British pop sensation, once encount Flo Rida, the American hip-hop star,What will happen? Every wants to know. September 22nd, red dragon entertainment held the press release in Nanhai Shekou Hilton, announced that the JESSIE J & FLO RIDA 2017 Shenzhen concert “is going to happen on December 1st, in Shenzhen Universiade stadium.

In China, even if You don’t know the exactly appearance of Jessie J, but you’ve definitely ever heard her hits:”Price Tag”, “Domino”, “It ‘s My Party”, “Who You are”. As one of female icons of British pop music , Jessie J’s perfect singing, coolness, confidence, and various style made her randomly wandering among pop, R&B, Hip pop and electronic music. Jessie J doesn’t show off her sweetness , she attracts fans because of her positive energy.

Jessie J won the best pop singer award in 2003 for “Britain’s outstanding talent competition”. In 2005, she signed up for the “Gut” record company and began his career in song writing. The debut single, “Do It Like A Dude,” was released on November 21st, 2010, which won the 31st January 2011 the brit awards critics choice award awards, on February 28th, the first music album “Who You Are, for the 32nd session of the brit awards for best female artist, the most breakthrough artist and best single awards, Jessie J ‘s big hit” Price Tag ” won her more fame.

In 2012, she was invited to be one the guest stars of the closing ceremony of the 30th London Olympic Games. On July 8th, 2014, Jessie J held concerts in Shanghai and Beijing for the first time. She also performed together with her “famous fan,Chinese singer Wu Mochou. This is her first visit to China after three years. Apart from singing the classic songs, what surprises will she brings? Very much to be expected.

Flo Rida , American hip-hop king. In 2008, his song “Low” topped the billboard top 100 for 10 weeks, and became the number 1 hit of billboard in the year. In February 2009, “Low” was nominated for “best rap song collaboration” and “best rap song” awards for the 51st grammy awards. On March 31, 2009, the second solo album, “R.O.O.T.S.” was nominated for the 52nd grammy “best rap album” award in January 2010 for “R.O.O.T.S.” In August 2012, the single “Whistle” topped the billboard TOP 100 . On February 10, 2013, the song “Wild Ones” won the 55th grammy “best rap cooperation” for singing with Sia. In 2014, the single “G.D.F.R.” was released as an episode of “fast and furious 7,” which became the number 8 single of the billboard.

Flo Rida’s songs are catchy, rhythmic, and some songs are even full of “magic”, and fans can wriggle with the songs. As one of the hip-hop world champions,in 2016, Flo Rida came to China for the Budweiser electrical storm EDM festival, For this time performing with Jessie J , in addition to rock the fans’ world , this two artists might bring us something different . Some people are wondering if this year’s Chinese hip-hop singers will come to Shenzhen for the hip-hop king.

国际大牌歌手Jessie J遇上嘻哈翘楚Flo Rida,来深给你一场国际范演唱会

一位是英国流行新天后Jessie J,一位是美国嘻哈天王Flo Rida,两位同台开唱会擦出什么不一样的火花?9月22日在南海蛇口希尔顿酒店,主办方红龙文化传媒举办了新闻发布会,正式宣布《JESSIE J & FLO RIDA 2017深圳演唱会》将于12月1日在深圳大运体育中心热力开唱。

暌违3年再来华,Jessie J还会有啥惊喜?

在中国,即使你不认识这位长相普通却奇装异服、气场十足的英国流行乐坛新天后Jessie J,也可能听过她的《Price Tag》、《Domino》、《It’s My Party》、《Who Are You》。作为英国流行乐坛时下最具代表性的女歌手,Jessie J铁肺、利落、自信,风格多变、音色完美且唱功了得,加上天籁的嗓音使她随意游走在流行乐、R&B、Hip-pop和电子乐之间。Jessie J不卖弄清新甜美,却一样吸引粉丝们为她的正能量埋单。

Jessie J 2003年参加“英国杰出天才大赛”获得最佳流行歌手奖。2005年签约Gut唱片公司,开始词曲创作生涯。2010年11月21日发行首支单曲 《Do It Like A Dude》踏入歌坛。2011年1月获得第31届全英音乐奖乐评人选择奖提名并获奖,同年2月28日发行首张音乐专辑《Who You Are》,入围第32届全英音乐奖入围最佳女艺人、最具突破艺人以及最佳单曲等三项大奖,Jessie J也凭借专辑歌曲《Price Tag》而走红。2012年更受邀担任第30届伦敦奥林匹克运动会闭幕式表演嘉宾。2014年7月8日与10日,Jessie J在首次在上海、北京举办演唱会,还曾与她的“迷妹”吴莫愁合唱,中国歌迷们更亲切称她为“结石姐”。此次来深开唱,是她暌违3年后的再次来华。除了会演唱经典曲目,还会带来什么惊喜呢?非常值得期待。

正宗嘻哈天王,Flo Rida或会来段freestyle?

Flo Rida(弗洛·里达),美国嘻哈天王。2008年,与T-Pain合作歌曲《Low》在美国公告牌百强单曲榜蝉联了10周冠军,成为当年的公告牌年终榜冠军。2009年2月,凭借《Low》被第51届格莱美奖提名“最佳说唱歌曲合作”和“最佳说唱歌曲”奖。2009年3月31日,发行第二张个人专辑《R.O.O.T.S.》, 2010年1月,凭借《R.O.O.T.S.》获得第52届格莱美奖“最佳说唱专辑”奖提名。2012年8月,单曲《Whistle》在公告牌百强单曲榜登顶。2013年2月10日,凭借与希亚演唱的歌曲《Wild Ones》获得第55届格莱美奖“最佳说唱合作”奖提名。2014年发行单曲《G.D.F.R.》,成为电影《速度与激情7》的插曲,歌曲最高来到美国公告牌百强单曲榜第八名。

Flo Rida的歌曲朗朗上口、节奏感强,有些歌曲充满“魔性”,现场粉丝们甚至可以随着歌曲一起扭动起来。作为嘻哈界的翘楚,2016年Flo Rida曾随百威风暴电音节来中国演出,此次来深与Jessie J同开个唱,除了会带着歌迷们一起嘻哈一起嗨,两人或将带来一些不一样的合作。有网友不禁猜想,今年《中国有嘻哈》的当红歌手们,会来深圳一起膜拜吗?

值得一提的是,主办方红龙文化(深圳)传媒有限公司(中国分公司)拥有15年现场演出、现场音乐会、活动策划管理经验,拥有资深的音响工程师、舞台灯光设计师、国际级资深经纪人,致力于国际艺术家的引进及打造举办国际级音乐演唱会。据红龙文化传媒相关负责人介绍,“今年《中国有嘻哈》掀起了嘻哈热,此次《JESSIE J & FLO RIDA 2017深圳演唱会》筹备了很久,就是希望除了让大家感受到FLO RIDA的正宗美式嘻哈,更要让粉丝们看到国际巨星JESSIE J的风采,相信届时,演唱会现场一定会变成一场音乐派对”。

Event Date: 7:30pm 1st, December, 2017

Pricing Info: 480/580/680/780/980/1080/1980/2800/4800 RMB

Place Address: Shenzhen Universiade stadium, Longgang District, Shenzhen 深圳市龙岗区大运中心体育场

Ticket: http://www.tryclearcut.com/event/mf10rm62